Wednesday, 1 June 2016

Advantages of Taking a Holiday in Your Own Country

If you have to make a choice of a holiday destination, will it be in your own country or will it be in another country? Of course, there are many attractions to holidaying abroad, the experience of a different culture, different landscape and lifestyle.
However, on a different angle, you too can have an enjoyable holiday in your own country. Many of us forget or take for granted the attractions in our own country. Sometimes, a foreign visitor knows more about these attractions.
Staycation is a new word that has come to use recently. A staycation is a vacation spent at your home or takes short trips from their home to area attractions, parks and nearby cities.
So why not consider the following points for a great staycation:
1. Rediscover places you have visited when you were young. Share your childhood holiday memories with your children.
2. You can do several short breaks like weekend breaks to the countryside, theatre breaks, adventure breaks or spa breaks.
3. Visit the tourism office and find out about new places to visit. Sometimes, being in our own country makes us complacent about trying new things or exploring new places.
4. Talk long walks in the countryside, you could discover hidden gems; scenery that you didn't know exists.
5. Travelling with the family is less of a hassle. There is no massive number of luggages to pack and no worries about food.
6. As you are familiar with the custom, language and way of life, all you need to do is relax and marvel at the beauty of your own country's landscape and history.
7. This is also a good time to go to the places you have always wanted to visit.
8. Instead of going overseas for holiday theme parks, why not explore your own holiday theme parks. You would be amazed that they offer the same kind of adventures at a lower cost.
9. Go for a camping holiday, it is easier to bring your gears such as tents, cooking utensils, bicycles and trekking boots when you are camping in your own country.
10. Find a new hobby or indulge in your interest. Go for a fishing holiday in permitted nature reserves, a boating and skiing holiday off the coast or a golf holiday in a golf resort.
The internet is a good place to look for 'Staycation' offers. Look out for offers for locals; these businesses need your custom even more now. Go on, this is the time to rediscover your country and its splendor.
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